
An Engaged Practice

As a sangha, we share a commitment to exploring the intersections between dharma and social justice, with the aspiration to alleviate individual and collective suffering.

We are guided by a Leadership Council, and are grounded in a Code of Ethical Conduct that we invite all sangha members to affirm.

We invite anyone from any experience level or contemplative tradition to practice meditation with us and to attend our events. There is no need to identify as Buddhist.

We welcome opportunities to work with other sanghas, faith communities and organizations to strengthen our collective impact. Some of our community partners include The Bertha Crosley Ball Center for Compassion, The Racial Equity Institute, Open Door Meditation Community, and Vajra Dakini Nunnery. We are also grateful to be a member of the Wabanaki Alliance Tribal Coalition.


Practice-Related Resources

talks and podcasts that inspire us

Why Your Liberation is Bound Up With Mine, Reverend angel Kyodo williams

Seeing White, from Scene on Radio

99 Years podcast, with Samuel James

Dharma Podcasts, from Upaya Zen Center

Trainings We’ve Found Valuable

White Awake Online Courses

Racial Equity Institute Phase I Training

Courage of Care workshops and online courses

EcoSattva Training: Discovering Our Unshakeable Response, with One Earth Sangha

Books that guide our practice